Where has the year gone? As we begin the final semester of the Year 6’s primary school journey, we have much to look forward to e.g. concert and graduation intermingled with a lot of hard work!

About time!” was the cry from the Year 6’s at the beginning of this term when they eventually received their Year 6 t-shirts which they had spent time planning and agreeing upon the design for the back of the shirt.

Your help is needed for a few projects:

Graduation: We need copies of:

A few things to review from last term.

Cubit: Term 2 saw the Year 6’s building cubits. Once they built these robot/cars, they then applied coding skills that they had learnt over the last few years and reviewed this in the “Tynker in the Cubit” online system. All the students enjoyed getting their cubit moving, lights flashing and hearing the sound from the speakers. By experimenting with different coding sequences, they worked and reworked the codes until it operated the way they wanted it to.

In Music last term, the Year 5’s and 6’s learnt a number of musical pieces which they practised and ensemble. They learnt Baa Baa Black Sheep and Baby Shark.

The year 6’s presented Baby Shark at assembly at the beginning of this term.

Now, let’s have a look at what lays ahead in the classroom this term:

ICT (Information Communication Technology)

This terms’ assessment involves students working in groups to create a video advertising the school. The task has 3 parts:

Part 1: Involves the group creating a storyboard (plan) of the scenes in their video including the camera shots and angles, music, voice over scripts.
Part 2: Requires the students shooting each of the scenes, editing the advertisement down to a 2-minute video and closely following their story board/plan.
Part 3: Is a reflective task asking students to reflect on the work they have created and their involvement in it.

Due Week 8

I would recommend that the groups work in their own time to complete their videos.


Novel Study: “ Wonder” by R. J. Palacio

Comprehension Skill: Bias and Prejudice

Writing: Persuasive Text. Exploring the structure, grammar and language features of this genre.

BTN (Behind the News): Every fortnight, students will be expected to present their summary of the BTN story we watched in the previous lesson along with the free choice activity.


Number: (Weeks 1-3) Number patterns, negative numbers and place value. Test 1 will be on the 31st July.

(Weeks 8-9) Counting & Money, Test Wednesday Week 9.

Measurement and Geometry: (Weeks 3-5) Volume/capacity and mass. Test Wednesday week 5.

Statistics and Probability: (Weeks 6-7) Frequency. Test Wednesday Week 7


Biology: Micro-organisms: Fungi and Yeast assessment due Thursday/Friday Week 4

This week we have spent time in the Art/Science lab conducting experiments with yeast.

Chemical Science: Changing Materials assessment due Thursday/Friday Week 8.


  1. Reading Eggs is due on Tuesdays.
  2. Mathletics is due on Wednesdays.
  3. Math Mental book, Reading Journals and Homework booklets are due on Fridays.

In our classroom, we spend a lot of time talking and practising the skill of taking responsibility for our own learning. So part of our homework this term, students are being encouraged to complete any work that they have not completed in class in their own time. These extra subject areas have been listed at the bottom of their weekly homework booklet page.

Miss Meagan Height
Year 6 Teacher